Daily Fortunes Feb 12, 2014 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Feb 12, 2014

I just ate a whole package of Sweet Tarts and a can of Coke...
I just ate a whole package of Sweet Tarts and a can of Coke. I think I saw God. -- B. Hathrume Duk

I just got off the phone with Sonny Barger [President of...
I just got off the phone with Sonny Barger [President of the Hell's Angels]. He wants me to appear as a character witness for him at his murder trial and said he'd be glad to appear as a character witness on my behalf if I ever needed one. Needless to say, I readily...

I just got out of the hospital after a speed reading accident...
I just got out of the hospital after a speed reading accident. I hit a bookmark. -- S. Wright

I just know I'm a better manager when I have Joe DiMaggio...
I just know I'm a better manager when I have Joe DiMaggio in center field. -- Casey Stengel

I just need enough to tide me over until I need more...
I just need enough to tide me over until I need more. -- Bill Hoest

Daily Fortunes for Feb 12, 2014
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