Daily FortunesJan 4, 2018
Bore, n.:
A person who talks when you wish him... Bore, n.:
A person who talks when you wish him to listen.
-- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
Boren's Laws:
(1) When in charge, ponder.
(2)... Boren's Laws:
(1) When in charge, ponder.
(2) When in trouble, delegate.
(3) When in doubt, mumble.
boss, n:
According to the Oxford English Dictionary,... boss, n:
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, in the Middle Ages the
words "boss" and "botch" were largely synonymous, except that boss,
in addition to meaning "a supervisor of workers" also meant "an
Boucher's Observation:
He who blows his own horn always... Boucher's Observation:
He who blows his own horn always plays the music
several octaves higher than originally written.
Bower's Law:
Talent goes where the action is.
Bower's Law:
Talent goes where the action is.
Daily Fortunes for Jan 4, 2018