Daily Fortunes Feb 10, 2014 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Feb 10, 2014

World War Three can be averted by adherence to a strictly...
World War Three can be averted by adherence to a strictly enforced dress code!

Worst Month of 1981 for Downhill Skiing: August...
Worst Month of 1981 for Downhill Skiing: August. The lines are the shortest, though. -- Steve Rubenstein

Worst Month of the Year: February. February has only...
Worst Month of the Year: February. February has only 28 days in it, which means that if you rent an apartment, you are paying for three full days you don't get. Try to avoid Februarys whenever possible. -- Steve Rubenstein

Worst Response To A Crisis, 1985: From a readers' Q...
Worst Response To A Crisis, 1985: From a readers' Q and A column in TV GUIDE: "If we get involved in a nuclear war, would the electromagnetic pulses from exploding bombs damage my videotapes?"

Worst Vegetable of the Year: The brussels sprout. This...
Worst Vegetable of the Year: The brussels sprout. This is also the worst vegetable of next year. -- Steve Rubenstein

Daily Fortunes for Feb 10, 2014
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