Freebsd Limericks
fortune: 101 - 110 of 860 from freebsd limericks
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Freebsd Limericks

Fortune: 101 - 110 of 860 from Freebsd Limericks

Freebsd Limericks:  101 of 860

A lady was seized with intent
To revise her existence misspent.
        So she climbed up the dome
        Of St. Peter's in Rome,
Where she stayed through the following Lent.
                -- Edward Gorey
Freebsd Limericks:  102 of 860

A lady while dining at Crewe
Found an elephant's whang in her stew.
        Said the waiter, "Don't shout,
        And don't wave it about,
Or the others will all want one too."
Freebsd Limericks:  103 of 860

A lady, while dining in Crewe,
Found an elephant's whang in her stew.
        Said the waiter, "Don't shout
        Or wave it about
Or the others will ask for one, too."
Freebsd Limericks:  104 of 860

A lady who signs herself "Vexed"
Writes to say she believes she's been hexed:
        "I don't mind my shins
        Being stuck full of pins,
But I fear I am coming unsexed."
                -- Edward Gorey
Freebsd Limericks:  105 of 860

A lady with features cherubic
Was famed for her area pubic.
        When they asked her its size
        She replied in surprise,
"Are you speaking of square feet, or cubic?"
Freebsd Limericks:  106 of 860

A lass at the foot of her class
Asked a brainier chick how to pass.
        She replied, "With no fuss
        You can get a B-plus,
By letting the prof pat your ass."
Freebsd Limericks:  107 of 860

A lecherous barkeep named Dale,
After fucking his favorite female,
        Mixed Drambuie and scotch
        With the cream in her crotch
For a lustier, Rusty-er Nail.
Freebsd Limericks:  108 of 860

A licentious old justice of Salem
Used to catch all the harlots and jail 'em.
        But instead of a fine
        He would stand them in line,
With his common-law tool to impale 'em.
Freebsd Limericks:  109 of 860

A limerick packs laughs anatomical
Into space that is quite economical.
        But the good ones I've seen
        So seldom are clean,
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.
Freebsd Limericks:  110 of 860

A linguist thought it a farce
That memory space was so sparse.
        One day they increased it.
        Said he as he seized it:
"At last! Enough core for the parse".
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