Freebsd Limericks
fortune: 584 - 593 of 860 from freebsd limericks
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Freebsd Limericks

Fortune: 584 - 593 of 860 from Freebsd Limericks

Freebsd Limericks:  584 of 860

There was a young lady named Blount
Who had a rectangular cunt.
        She learned for diversion
        Posterior perversion,
Since no one could fit here in front.
Freebsd Limericks:  585 of 860

There was a young lady named Bower
Who dwelt in an Ivory Tower.
        But a poet from Perth
        Laid her flat on the earth,
And proceeded with penis to plough her.
Freebsd Limericks:  586 of 860

There was a young lady named Brent
With a cunt of enormous extent,
        And so deep and so wide,
        The acoustics inside
Were so good you could hear when you spent.
Freebsd Limericks:  587 of 860

There was a young lady named Bright
Who could travel much faster than light.
        She took off one day,
        In a relative way,
And returned on the previous night.
Freebsd Limericks:  588 of 860

There was a young lady named Brook
Who never could learn how to cook.
        But on a divan
        She could please any man-
She knew every darn trick in the book!
Freebsd Limericks:  589 of 860

There was a young lady named Cager
Who, as the result of a wager,
        Consented to fart
        The entire oboe part
Of Mozart's quartet in F major.
Freebsd Limericks:  590 of 860

There was a young lady named Ciss
Who said, "I think skating's a bliss "
        But she'll never restate,
        For a wheel off her skate
.siht ekil gnihtemos pu hsinif reh edaM
Freebsd Limericks:  591 of 860

There was a young lady named Clair
Who possessed a magnificent pair;
        At least so I thought
        Till I saw one get caught
On a thorn, and begin losing air.
Freebsd Limericks:  592 of 860

There was a young lady named Dot
Whose cunt was so terribly hot
        That ten bishops of Rome
        And the Pope's private gnome
Failed to quench her Vesuvial twat.
Freebsd Limericks:  593 of 860

There was a young lady named Duff
With a lovely, luxuriant muff.
        In his haste to get in her
        One eager beginner
Lost both of his balls in the rough.
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