Freebsd Limericks: 620 of 860 |
There was a young lady of Bicester
Who was nicer by far than her sister:
The sister would giggle
And wiggle and jiggle,
But this one would come if you kissed her.
Freebsd Limericks: 621 of 860 |
There was a young lady of Brabant
Who slept with an impotent savant.
She admitted, "We shouldn't,
But it turned out he couldn't-
So you can't say we have when we haven't."
Freebsd Limericks: 622 of 860 |
There was a young lady of Bude
Who walked down the street in the nude.
A bobby said, "Whattum
Magnificent bottom!"
And slapped it as hard as he could.
Freebsd Limericks: 623 of 860 |
There was a young lady of Carmia
Whose housekeeping ways would alarm ya.
At every cold snap
She would climb in your lab,
So her little base burner could warm ya.
Freebsd Limericks: 624 of 860 |
There was a young lady of Dee
Who went down to the river to pee.
A man in a punt
Put his hand on her cunt,
And God! how I wish it were me.
Freebsd Limericks: 625 of 860 |
There was a young lady of Dee
Whose hymen was split into three.
And when she was diddled
The middle string fiddled :
"Nearer My God To Thee."
Freebsd Limericks: 626 of 860 |
There was a young lady of Dexter
Whose husband exceedingly vexed her,
For whenever they'd start
He'd unfailingly fart
With a blast that damn nearly unsexed her.
Freebsd Limericks: 627 of 860 |
There was a young lady of Dover
Whose passion was such that it drove her
To cry, when you came,
"Oh dear! What a shame!
Well, now we shall have to start over."
Freebsd Limericks: 628 of 860 |
There was a young lady of Ealing
And her lover before her was kneeling.
Said she, "Dearest Jim,
Take your hands off my quim;
I much prefer fucking to feeling."
Freebsd Limericks: 629 of 860 |
There was a young lady of fashion
Who had oodles and oodles of passion.
To her lover she said,
As they climbed into bed,
"Here's one thing the bastards can't ration!"