Freebsd Limericks: 856 of 860 |
Winter is here with his grouch,
The time when you sneeze and you slouch.
You can't take your women
Canoein' or swimmin',
But a lot can be done on a couch.
Freebsd Limericks: 857 of 860 |
With his penis in turgid erection,
And aimed at woman's mid-section,
Man looks most uncouth
In that Moment of Truth,
But she sheathes it with loving affection.
Freebsd Limericks: 858 of 860 |
You Women's Lib gals won't agree,
But dependent on men you must be:
You'll need a him
With a rod firm and trim,
To puggle your water-drains free!
Freebsd Limericks: 859 of 860 |
Young Frederick the great was a beaut.
To a guard he cried, "Hey, man, you're cute.
If you'll come to my palace,
I'll finger your phallus,
And then I shall blow on your flute."
Freebsd Limericks: 860 of 860 |
You've heard of the bishop of Birmingham,
Well, here's the new story concerning 'im :
He buggers the choir
As they sing "Ave Maria,"
And fucks all the girls whilst confirming 'em.