Daily Fortunes Oct 28, 2014 - motd.ambians.com Motd - Message of the Day
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Oct 28, 2014

Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future...
Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future. -- Niels Bohr

Preserve the old, but know the new.
Preserve the old, but know the new.

Progress might have been all right once, but it's gone on...
Progress might have been all right once, but it's gone on too long. -- Ogden Nash

Progress was all right. Only it went on too long...
Progress was all right. Only it went on too long. -- James Thurber

Punning is the worst vice, and there's no vice versa.
Punning is the worst vice, and there's no vice versa.

Daily Fortunes for Oct 28, 2014
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