Humor: Friday December 6, 2019 - Worst of Fortunes Motd - Message of the Day
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Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Friday December 6, 2019

There once was a man with a hernia Who said to his doctor,...
There once was a man with a hernia Who said to his doctor, "Gol dern ya, When you work on my middle Be sure you don't fiddle With things that do not concern ya."

There was a young fellow named Blaine, And he screwed some...
There was a young fellow named Blaine, And he screwed some disgusting old jane. She was ugly and smelly With an awful pot-belly, But... well, they were caught in the rain.

There was a young man from Lynn Whose cock was the size of...
There was a young man from Lynn Whose cock was the size of a pin. Said his girl with a laugh As she felt his staff, "This won't be much of a sin."

There was a young miss from Johore Who'd lie on a mat on...
There was a young miss from Johore Who'd lie on a mat on the floor; In a manner uncanny She'd wobble her fanny, And drain your nuts dry to the core.

There was a young monk in Siberia, Whose morals were very...
There was a young monk in Siberia, Whose morals were very inferior, He jumped on a nun Which he shouldn't have done, And now she's a Mother Superior.

There was an old man of Duddee Who came home as drunk as could...
There was an old man of Duddee Who came home as drunk as could be. He wound up the clock With the end of his cock, And buggered his wife with the key.

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