Humor: Best of Fortunes for Friday September 20, 2019
A crusader's wife slipped from the garrison
And had an affair...A crusader's wife slipped from the garrison
And had an affair with a Saracen.
She was not oversexed,
Or jealous or vexed,
She just wanted to make a comparison. A delighted, incredulous bride
Remarked to her groom at...A delighted, incredulous bride
Remarked to her groom at her side :
"I never could quite
Believe till tonight
Our anatomies would coincide." An ardent young man named Magruder
Once wooed a girl nude...An ardent young man named Magruder
Once wooed a girl nude in Bermuda.
She thought it quite lewd
To be wooed in the nude,
But magruder was shrewder, he screwed her. There was a young man from Kent
Whose tool was so long that...There was a young man from Kent
Whose tool was so long that it bent.
To save himself trouble
He put it in double
And instead of coming, he went. My godda bless, never I see sucha people.
--...My godda bless, never I see sucha people.
-- Signor Piozzi, quoted by Cecilia Thrale
Humor: Best of Fortunes for Friday September 20, 2019