Humor: Tuesday November 26, 2019 - Worst of Fortunes Motd - Message of the Day
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Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Tuesday November 26, 2019

There once was a man from Bombay He would do it all night...
There once was a man from Bombay He would do it all night and all day He soon became sore You shoulda' heard him roar When his wife rubbed his balls with Ben-Gay!

There once was a man from Exameter Who had a prodigious...
There once was a man from Exameter Who had a prodigious diameter But it wasn't the size That brought forth the cries 'Twas his rythm, iambic pentameter.

There was a pianist named Liszt Who played with one hand while...
There was a pianist named Liszt Who played with one hand while he pissed, But as he grew older His technique grew bolder, And in concert jacked off with his fist.

There was a young curate whose brain Was deranged from the...
There was a young curate whose brain Was deranged from the use of cocaine; He lured a small child To a copse dark and wild, Where he beat it to death with his cane. -- Edward Gorey

There was a young fellow from Cal., In bed with a passionate...
There was a young fellow from Cal., In bed with a passionate gal. He leapt from the bed, To the toilet he sped; Said the gal, "What about me, old pal?"

There was a young hayseed from Tiffan Whose cock would...
There was a young hayseed from Tiffan Whose cock would constantly stiffen. The knob out in front Attracted foul cunt Which he greatly delighted in sniffin'.

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