Freebsd Fortunes 4: 3 of 2327 |
He who knows not and knows that he knows not is ignorant. Teach him.
He who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool. Shun him.
He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep. Wake him.
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 4 of 2327 |
He who knows nothing, knows nothing.
But he who knows he knows nothing knows something.
And he who knows someone whose friend's wife's brother knows nothing,
he knows something. Or something like that.
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He who knows others is wise.
He who knows himself is enlightened.
-- Lao Tsu
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He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.
-- Lao Tsu
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 7 of 2327 |
He who laughs has not yet heard the bad news.
-- Bertolt Brecht
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 8 of 2327 |
He who laughs last -- missed the punch line.
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 9 of 2327 |
He who laughs last didn't get the joke.
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 10 of 2327 |
He who laughs last hasn't been told the terrible truth.
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 11 of 2327 |
He who laughs last is probably your boss.
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 12 of 2327 |
He who laughs last probably doesn't understand the joke.