Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Sunday August 10, 2014
A nudist resort at Benares
Took a midget in all unawares...A nudist resort at Benares
Took a midget in all unawares.
But he made members weep
For he just couldn't keep
His nose out of private affairs. A pious young lady of Chichester
Made all of the saints...A pious young lady of Chichester
Made all of the saints in their niches stir
And each morning at matin
Her breast in pink satin
Made the bishop of Chichester's breeches stir. An old gentleman's crotchets and quibblings
Were a terrible...An old gentleman's crotchets and quibblings
Were a terrible trial to his siblings,
But he was not removed
Till one day it was proved
That the bell-ropes were damp with his dribblings.
-- Edward Gorey There once was a man from Racine,
Who invented a screwing...There once was a man from Racine,
Who invented a screwing machine.
Both concave and convex,
It could please either sex,
But, oh, what a bastard to clean! There was a poor parson from Goring,
Who made a small hole...There was a poor parson from Goring,
Who made a small hole in his flooring,
Fur-lined it all round,
Then laid on the ground,
And declared it was cheaper than whoring.
Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Sunday August 10, 2014