Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Friday January 10, 2025
A bad little girl in Madrid,
A most reprehensible kid,
...A bad little girl in Madrid,
A most reprehensible kid,
Told her Tante Louise
That her cunt smelled like cheese,
And the worst of it was that it did! A beat schizophrenic said, "Me?
I am not I, I'm...A beat schizophrenic said, "Me?
I am not I, I'm a tree."
But another, more sane,
Shouted, "I'm a Great Dane!"
And covered his pants leg with pee. This fortune is dedicated to your mother, without whose...This fortune is dedicated to your mother, without whose invaluable assistance
last night would never have been possible.
Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Friday January 10, 2025