Humor: Best of Fortunes for Tuesday December 24, 2019
All that you touch, And all you create,...All that you touch, And all you create,
All that you see, And all you destroy,
All that you taste, All that you do,
All you feel, And all you say,
And all that... A delighted, incredulous bride
Remarked to her groom at...A delighted, incredulous bride
Remarked to her groom at her side :
"I never could quite
Believe till tonight
Our anatomies would coincide." There was a young man from Kent
Whose tool was so long that...There was a young man from Kent
Whose tool was so long that it bent.
To save himself trouble
He put it in double
And instead of coming, he went. There was a young man of Devizes,
Whose balls were of different...There was a young man of Devizes,
Whose balls were of different sizes.
One was so small,
It was nothing at all;
The other took numerous prizes. There was a young squaw of Wohunt
Who possessed a collapsible...There was a young squaw of Wohunt
Who possessed a collapsible cunt.
It had many odd uses,
Produced no papooses,
And fitted both giant and runt.
Humor: Best of Fortunes for Tuesday December 24, 2019