Freebsd Fortunes 6: 1021 of 2171 |
The rain it raineth on the just
And also on the unjust fella:
But chiefly on the just, because
The unjust steals the just's umbrella.
-- Lord Bowen
Freebsd Fortunes 6: 1022 of 2171 |
The Ranger isn't gonna like it, Yogi.
Freebsd Fortunes 6: 1023 of 2171 |
The rate at which a disease spreads through a corn field is a precise
measurement of the speed of blight.
Freebsd Fortunes 6: 1024 of 2171 |
The ratio of literacy to illiteracy is a constant, but nowadays the
illiterates can read.
-- Alberto Moravia
Freebsd Fortunes 6: 1025 of 2171 |
The real man's Bloody Mary:
Ingredients: vodka, tomato juice, Tobasco, Worcestershire
sauce, A-1 steak sauce, ice, salt, pepper, celery.
Fill a large tumbler with vodka.
Throw all the other ingredients away.
Freebsd Fortunes 6: 1026 of 2171 |
The real problem with hunting elephants carrying the decoys.
Freebsd Fortunes 6: 1027 of 2171 |
The real purpose of books is to trap the mind into doing its own thinking.
-- Christopher Morley
Freebsd Fortunes 6: 1028 of 2171 |
The real reason large families benefit society is because at least
a few of the children in the world shouldn't be raised by beginners.
Freebsd Fortunes 6: 1029 of 2171 |
The real reason psychology is hard is that
psychologists are trying to do the impossible.
Freebsd Fortunes 6: 1030 of 2171 |
The real trouble with reality is that there's no background music.