Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Thursday November 16, 2017
A cute little twerp from Samoa
Had a cock of one inch and...A cute little twerp from Samoa
Had a cock of one inch and no moa.
It was good for keyholes
And debutantes' peeholes
But not worth a damn on a whoa. A doctoral student from Buckingham
Wrote his thesis on cunts...A doctoral student from Buckingham
Wrote his thesis on cunts and on fucking'em.
But a dropout from paree
Taught him Gamahuchee
So he added a footnote on sucking 'em. A gifted young fellow from Sparta
Was widely renowned as...A gifted young fellow from Sparta
Was widely renowned as a farta'.
He could fart anything
From "Of Thee I Sing,"
To Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata." A lady born under a curse
Used to drive forth each day in...A lady born under a curse
Used to drive forth each day in a hearse;
From the back she would wail
Through a thickness of veil:
"Things do not get better, but worse."
-- Edward Gorey A lady removing her scanties,
Heard them crackle electrical...A lady removing her scanties,
Heard them crackle electrical chanties.
Said her beau, "Have no fear,
For the reason is clear:
You simply have amps in your panties. There once was a young girl from Natches
Who chanced to be born...There once was a young girl from Natches
Who chanced to be born with two snatches
She often said, "Shit!
I'd give either tit
For a guy with equipment that matches." There was a young girl of Darjeeling
Who could dance with such...There was a young girl of Darjeeling
Who could dance with such exquisite feeling
There was never a sound
For miles around
Save of fly-buttons hitting the ceiling. There was a young girl of LLewellyn
Whose breasts were as...There was a young girl of LLewellyn
Whose breasts were as big as a melon.
They were big it is true,
But her cunt was big too,
Like a bifocal, full-color, aerial view
Of Cape Horn and the Straits of Magellan.
Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Thursday November 16, 2017