Freebsd Fortunes 4: 1558 of 2327 |
When you feel sophisticated without being able to pronounce it.
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 1559 of 2327 |
Introducing, the 1010, a one-bit processor.
Code Mnemonic What
0 NOP No Operation
1 JMP Jump (address specified by next 2 bits)
Now Available for only 12 1/2 cents!
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 1560 of 2327 |
Invest in physics -- own a piece of Dirac!
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 1561 of 2327 |
Involvement with people is always a very delicate thing --
it requires real maturity to become involved and not get all messed up.
-- Bernard Cooke
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 1562 of 2327 |
I/O, I/O,
It's off to disk I go,
A bit or byte to read or write,
I/O, I/O, I/O...
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 1563 of 2327 |
_/I_____________o______________o___/I l * / /_/ * __ ' .* l
I"""_____________l______________l___"""I l *// _l__l_ . *. l
[__][__][(******)__][__](******)[__][] l l- ---//---*----(oo)----------l
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[__][__][_l l[__][__][l l][__][] l l \)) ._****_.(......) .@@@:::l
[][__][__]l .l_][__][__] .l__][__] l l ll _(o_o)_ (@*_*@ l
[__][__][/ <_)[__][__]/ <_)][__][] l l ll ( / ) / / / ) l
[][__][ /..,/][__][__][/..,/_][__][__] l l / \ _ _ / __ l
[__][__(__/][__][__][_(__/_][__][__][] l l______________________________l
[__][__]] l , , . [__][__][] l
[][__][_] l . i. '/ , [][__][__] l /**/ season's
[__][__]] l O . / /, O [__][__][] l ( o_o )_) greetings
_[][__][_] l__l======='=l____[][__][__] l_______,(u u ,),__________________
[__][__]]/ /l-------/l [__][__][]/ {}{}{}{}{}{}<R>
In Ellen's house it is warm and toasty while fuzzies play in the snow outside.
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 1564 of 2327 |
IOT trap -- core dumped
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 1565 of 2327 |
IOT trap -- mos dumped
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 1566 of 2327 |
Iowa State -- the high school after high school!
-- Crow T. Robot
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 1567 of 2327 |
Iowans ask why Minnesotans don't drink more Kool-Aid. That's because
they can't figure out how to get two quarts of water into one of those
little paper envelopes.