Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Saturday September 28, 2019
A lacklustre lady of Brougham
Weaveth all night at her loom...A lacklustre lady of Brougham
Weaveth all night at her loom.
Anon she doth blench
When her lord and his wench
Pull a chain in the neighbouring room. There was a young girl from Dundee,
From her fanny there grew...There was a young girl from Dundee,
From her fanny there grew a plum tree.
No one ate the nice fruit,
To tell you the truth,
Because they knew it came from her tooty-toot-toot. There was a young lady named Maud,
A terrible society fraud:
...There was a young lady named Maud,
A terrible society fraud:
In company, I'm told,
She was distant and cold,
But if you got her alone, Oh God!
Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Saturday September 28, 2019