Humor: Monday May 27, 2024 - Worst of Fortunes Motd - Message of the Day
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Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Monday May 27, 2024

Osborn's Law: Variables won't; constants aren't.
Osborn's Law: Variables won't; constants aren't.

There once was a plumber from Leigh Who was plumbing his maid...
There once was a plumber from Leigh Who was plumbing his maid by the sea. Said she, "Please stop plumbing, I think someone's coming!" Said he, "Yes, I know love, it's me."

There was a young girl in Berlin Who was fucked by an elderly...
There was a young girl in Berlin Who was fucked by an elderly Finn. Though he diddled his best, And fucked her with zest, She kept asking, "Hey, Pop, is it in?"

There was a young sailor from Brighton, Who remarked to...
There was a young sailor from Brighton, Who remarked to his girl, "You're a tight one." She replied, "'Pon my soul, You're in the wrong hole; There's plenty of room in the right one."

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