There once was a man named Lodge,
who had seatbelts installed...There once was a man named Lodge,
who had seatbelts installed in his Dodge.
When his date was strapped in,
He committed a sin,
without ever leaving the garage.
There was a young lady of Kent,
Who admitted she knew what...There was a young lady of Kent,
Who admitted she knew what it meant
When men asked her to dine,
And plied her with wine,
She knew, oh she knew -- but she went!
There was a young lady of Wheeling
Said to her beau, "I've...There was a young lady of Wheeling
Said to her beau, "I've a feeling
My little brown jug
Has need of a plug" --
And straightaway she started to peeling.
There was a young man of Devizes
Whose balls were of different...There was a young man of Devizes
Whose balls were of different sizes.
His tool when at ease,
Hung down to his knees,
Oh, what must it be when it rises!
Das machine is nicht fur gefingerpoken...ACHTUNG!!!
Das machine is nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben. Ist easy
schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und corkenpoppen mit
spitzensparken. Ist nicht fur gewerken by das dummkopfen. Das
rubbernecken sightseeren keepen hands in...
Fortune finishes the great quotations, \#6
"But,...Fortune finishes the great quotations, \#6
"But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?"
It's nothing, honey. Go back to sleep.
A corpulent maiden named Kroll
Had a notion exceedingly droll:
...A corpulent maiden named Kroll
Had a notion exceedingly droll:
At a masquerade ball,
Dressed in nothing at all,
She backed in as a Parker House roll.
A mathematician named Hall
Had a hexhedronical ball,
...A mathematician named Hall
Had a hexhedronical ball,
And the square of its weight
Times his pecker's, plus eight,
Was four-fifths of five-eighths of fuck-all.
A mathematician named Klein
Thought the Mobius band...A mathematician named Klein
Thought the Mobius band was divine.
Said he, "If you glue
The edges of two,
You'll get a weird bottle like mine!