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H.L. Mencken suffers from the hallucination that he is H.L. Mencken.
There is no cure for a disease of that magnitude.
-- Maxwell Bodenhein
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H.L. Mencken suffers from the hallucination that he is H.L.
Mencken -- there is no cure for a disease of that magnitude.
-- Maxwell Bodenheim
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H.L. Mencken's Law:
Those who can -- do.
Those who can't -- teach.
Martin's Extension:
Those who cannot teach -- administrate.
[No, those who can't teach, teach here. Ed.]
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Hlade's Law:
If you have a difficult task, give it to a lazy person --
they will find an easier way to do it.
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Hoaars-Faisse Gallery presents:
An exhibit of works by the artist known only as Pretzel.
The exhibit includes several large conceptual works using non-traditional
media and found objects including old sofa-beds, used mace canisters,
discarded sanitary napkins and parts of freeways. The artist explores
our dehumanization due to high technology and unresponsive governmental
structures in a post-industrial world. She/he (the artist prefers to
remain without gender) strives to create dialogue between viewer and
creator, to aid us in our quest to experience contemporary life with its
inner-city tensions, homelessness, global warming and gender and
class-based stress. The works are arranged to lead us to the essence of
the argument: that the alienation of the person/machine boundary has
sapped the strength of our voices and must be destroyed for society to
exist in a more fundamental sense.
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Hoare's Law of Large Problems:
Inside every large problem is a small
problem struggling to get out.
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Hodie natus est radici frater.
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Hoffer's Discovery:
The grand act of a dying institution is to issue a newly
revised, enlarged edition of the policies and procedures manual.
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Hofstadter's Law:
It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take
Hofstadter's Law into account.
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Take a shot every time:
-- Sergeant Schultz says, "I knoooooowww nooooothing!"
-- General Burkhalter or Major Hochstetter intimidate/insult Colonel Klink.
-- Colonel Klink falls for Colonel Hogan's flattery.
-- One of the prisoners sneaks out of camp (one shot for each prisoner to go).
-- Colonel Klink snaps to attention after answering the phone (two shots
if it's one of our heroes on the other end).
-- One of the Germans is threatened with being sent to the Russian front.
-- Corporal Newkirk calls up a German in his phoney German accent, and
tricks him (two shots if it's Colonel Klink).
-- Hogan has a romantic interlude with a beautiful girl from the underground.
-- Colonel Klink relates how he's never had an escape from Stalag 13.
-- Sergeant Schultz gives up a secret (two shots if he's bribed with food).
-- The prisoners listen to the Germans' conversation by a hidden transmitter.
-- Sergeant Schultz "captures" one of the prisoners after an escape.
-- Lebeau pronounces "colonel" as "cuh-loh-`nell".
-- Carter builds some kind of device (two shots if it's not explosive).
-- Lebeau wears his apron.
-- Hogan says "We've got no choice" when the someone claims that the
plan is impossible.
-- The prisoners capture an important German, and sneak him out the tunnel.