Freebsd Fortunes 4: 785 of 2327 |
I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity
for everyone, but they've always worked for me.
-- Hunter S. Thompson
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 786 of 2327 |
I wrecked trains because I like to see people die. I like to hear
them scream.
-- Sylvestre Matuschka, "the Hungarian Train Wreck Freak",
escaped prison 1937, not heard from since
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 787 of 2327 |
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 788 of 2327 |
[Internation Business Machines Corp.] Also known as Itty Bitty
Machines or The Lawyer's Friend. The dominant force in computer
marketing, having supplied worldwide some 75% of all known hardware
and 10% of all software. To protect itself from the litigious envy
of less successful organizations, such as the US government, IBM
employs 68% of all known ex-Attorneys' General.
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 789 of 2327 |
I've Been Moved
Idiots Become Managers
Idiots Buy More
Impossible to Buy Machine
Incredibly Big Machine
Industry's Biggest Mistake
International Brotherhood of Mercenaries
It Boggles the Mind
It's Better Manually
Itty-Bitty Machines
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 790 of 2327 |
IBM Advanced Systems Group -- a bunch of mindless jerks,
who'll be first against the wall when the revolution comes...
-- with regrets to D. Adams
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 791 of 2327 |
IBM had a PL/I,
Its syntax worse than JOSS;
And everywhere this language went,
It was a total loss.
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 792 of 2327 |
IBM: It may be slow, but it's hard to use.
Freebsd Fortunes 4: 793 of 2327 |
IBM Pollyanna Principle:
Machines should work. People should think.
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IBM's original motto:
Cogito ergo vendo; vendo ergo sum.