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If I have not seen so far it is because I stood in giant's footsteps.
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If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the
shoulders of giants.
-- Isaac Newton
In the sciences, we are now uniquely privileged to sit side by side with
the giants on whose shoulders we stand.
-- Gerald Holton
If I have not seen as far as others, it is because giants were standing on
my shoulders.
-- Hal Abelson
Mathematicians stand on each other's shoulders.
-- Gauss
Mathematicians stand on each other's shoulders while computer scientists
stand on each other's toes.
-- Richard Hamming
It has been said that physicists stand on one another's shoulders. If
this is the case, then programmers stand on one another's toes, and
software engineers dig each other's graves.
-- Unknown
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If I have to lay an egg for my country, I'll do it.
-- Bob Hope
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If I knew what brand [of whiskey] he drinks,
I would send a barrel or so to my other generals.
-- Abraham Lincoln, on General Grant
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If I love you, what business is it of yours?
-- Goethe
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If I love you, what business is it of yours?
-- Johann van Goethe
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If I made peace with Russia today, I'd only attack her again tomorrow. I
just couldn't help myself.
-- Adolf Hitler
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If I promised you the moon and the stars, would you believe it?
-- Alan Parsons Project
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If I set here and stare at nothing long enough, people might think
I'm an engineer working on something.
-- S.R. McElroy
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If I told you you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?