Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1774 of 2298 |
Queensboro president Donald Mannis, charged with receiving bribes in
exchange for city contracts, resigned on Tuesday. Mannis feels he must
devote more time to impending litigation, some of which might eminate
from a recent statement he made comparing New York Mayor Ed Koch to
Nazi Martin Bormann. A spokesman from the Bormann estate said they are
weighing the odds of a slander suit. Mayor Koch could naturally be
reached for comment, but we chose not to listen.
-- Dennis Miller
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1775 of 2298 |
Man Invented Alcohol,
God Invented Grass.
Whom do you trust?
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1776 of 2298 |
question = ( to ) ? be : ! be;
-- Wm. Shakespeare
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1777 of 2298 |
(Sez who?)
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1778 of 2298 |
Question: Is it better to abide by the rules until
they're changed or help speed the change by breaking them?
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1779 of 2298 |
Questionable day.
Ask somebody something.
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1780 of 2298 |
Questions are never indiscreet, answers sometimes are.
-- Oscar Wilde
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1781 of 2298 |
Quick!! Act as if nothing has happened!
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1782 of 2298 |
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
(Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.)
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1783 of 2298 |
Quigley's Law:
Whoever has any authority over you,
no matter how small, will attempt to use it.