Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Sunday September 17, 2017
A lacklustre lady of Brougham
Weaveth all night at her loom...A lacklustre lady of Brougham
Weaveth all night at her loom.
Anon she doth blench
When her lord and his wench
Pull a chain in the neighbouring room. A lad from far-off Transvaal
Was lustful, but tactful withal...A lad from far-off Transvaal
Was lustful, but tactful withal.
He'd say, just for luck,
"Mam'selle, do you fuck?"
But he'd bow till he almost would crawl. There once was a kiddie named Carr
Caught a man on top of...There once was a kiddie named Carr
Caught a man on top of his mar.
As he saw him stick 'er,
He said with a snicker,
"You do it much faster than par." There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose dick was so long...There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose dick was so long he could suck it.
He said with a grin
As he wiped off his chin,
"If my ear was a cunt, I could fuck it." There once was a young man named Gene,
Who invented a screwing...There once was a young man named Gene,
Who invented a screwing machine.
Concave and convex,
It served either sex,
And it played with itself inbetween. There was a young man from St. Paul's
Who read "Harper's...There was a young man from St. Paul's
Who read "Harper's Bazaar" and "McCall's"
Till he grew such a passion
For feminine fashion
That he knitted a snood for his balls. There was a young man named Crockett
Whose balls got caught...There was a young man named Crockett
Whose balls got caught in a socket.
His wife was a bitch,
Yeah, she threw the switch,
And Crockett went off like a rocket.
Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Sunday September 17, 2017