Freebsd Fortunes 3: 1242 of 2182 |
NAME: Jean-Luc Perriwinkle Picard
OCCUPATION: Starship Big Cheese
AGE: 94
BIRTHPLACE: Paris, Terra Sector
EYES: Grey
SKIN: Tanned
HAIR: Not much
Lobes 'n' Probes, the Ferengi-Betazoid Sex Quarterly
TEA: Earl Grey. Hot.
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Earl Wiener, 55, a University of Miami professor of management
science, telling the Airline Pilots Association (in jest) about
21st century aircraft:
"The crew will consist of one pilot and a dog. The pilot will
nurture and feed the dog. The dog will be there to bite the
pilot if he touches anything.
-- Fortune, Sept. 26, 1988
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Early to bed and early to rise and you'll
be groggy when everyone else is wide awake.
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Early to rise and early to bed makes
a man healthy and wealthy and dead.
-- James Thurber
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Earn cash in your spare time -- blackmail your friends.
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Earth Destroyed by Solar Flare -- film clips at eleven.
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/earth: file system full.
Freebsd Fortunes 3: 1249 of 2182 |
/Earth is 98% full ... please delete anyone you can.
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Earth is a great funhouse without the fun.
-- Jeff Berner
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Easiest Color to Solve on a Rubik's Cube: Black.
Simply remove all the little colored stickers on the cube, and each of
side of the cube will now be the original color of the plastic underneath
-- black. According to the instructions, this means the puzzle is solved.