Freebsd Fortunes 6
fortune: 1604 - 1613 of 2171 from freebsd fortunes 6
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Freebsd Fortunes 6

Fortune: 1604 - 1613 of 2171 from Freebsd Fortunes 6

Freebsd Fortunes 6:  1604 of 2171

This ae nighte, this ae nighte,
Everye nighte and alle,
Fire and sleet and candlelyte,
And Christe receive thy saule.
                -- The Lykewake Dirge
Freebsd Fortunes 6:  1605 of 2171

This "brain-damaged" epithet is getting sorely overworked.  When we can
speak of someone or something being flawed, impaired, marred, spoiled;
batty, bedlamite, bonkers, buggy, cracked, crazed, cuckoo, daft, demented,
deranged, loco, lunatic, mad, maniac, mindless, non compos mentis, nuts,
Reaganite, screwy, teched, unbalanced, unsound, witless, wrong;  senseless,
spastic, spasmodic, convulsive; doped, spaced-out, stoned, zonked;  {beef,
beetle,block,dung,thick}headed, dense, doltish, dull, duncical, numskulled,
pinhead;  asinine, fatuous, foolish, silly, simple;  brute, lumbering, oafish;
half-assed, incompetent; backward, retarded, imbecilic, moronic; when we have
a whole precisely nuanced vocabulary of intellectual abuse to draw upon,
individually and in combination, isn't it a little <fill in the blank> to be
limited to a single, now quite trite, adjective?
Freebsd Fortunes 6:  1606 of 2171

This door is baroquen, please wiggle Handel.
(If I wiggle Handel, will it wiggle Bach?)
                -- Found on a door in the MSU music building
Freebsd Fortunes 6:  1607 of 2171

This dungeon is owned and operated by Frobazz Magic Co., Ltd.
Freebsd Fortunes 6:  1608 of 2171

This file will self-destruct in five minutes.
Freebsd Fortunes 6:  1609 of 2171

This fortune cookie program out of order.  For those in desperate
need, please use the program "randchar".  This program generates
random characters, and, given enough time, will undoubtedly come
up with something profound.  It will, however, take it no time at
all to be more profound than THIS program has ever been.
Freebsd Fortunes 6:  1610 of 2171

This fortune intentionally not included.
Freebsd Fortunes 6:  1611 of 2171

This fortune intentionally says nothing.
Freebsd Fortunes 6:  1612 of 2171

This fortune is dedicated to your mother, without whose
invaluable assistance last night would never have been possible.
Freebsd Fortunes 6:  1613 of 2171

This fortune is encrypted -- get your decoder rings ready!
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