Humor: Best of Fortunes for Friday December 9, 2022
"Fucked by the finger of Fate!"
Bewailed a young..."Fucked by the finger of Fate!"
Bewailed a young fellow named Tate.
"Since dating Miss Baugh,
My whole tongue has been raw--
It must have been something I ate." There was a young girl of Des Moines
Whose cunt could be fitted...There was a young girl of Des Moines
Whose cunt could be fitted with coins,
Till a guy from Hoboken
Went and dropped in a token,
And now she rides free on the ferry. There was a young lady at sea
Who said, "God, how it hurts...There was a young lady at sea
Who said, "God, how it hurts me to pee."
"I see," said the mate,
"That accounts for the state
Of the captain, the purser, and me."
Humor: Best of Fortunes for Friday December 9, 2022