Humor: Best of Fortunes for Friday January 17, 2025
A girl camper once had an affair
With a fellow all covered with...A girl camper once had an affair
With a fellow all covered with hair.
When she gave him his hat
She realized that
She'd been had by Smokey the Bear. There was a young lady from Bright,
Whose speed was much faster...There was a young lady from Bright,
Whose speed was much faster than light.
She went out one day
In a relative way
And returned on the previous night. There was a young lady named Clair
Who possessed a magnificent...There was a young lady named Clair
Who possessed a magnificent pair;
At least so I thought
Till I saw one get caught
On a thorn, and begin losing air. There was a young lady named Duff
With a lovely, luxuriant...There was a young lady named Duff
With a lovely, luxuriant muff.
In his haste to get in her
One eager beginner
Lost both of his balls in the rough. We dedicate this to the cunt,
The kind the broad-minded guys...We dedicate this to the cunt,
The kind the broad-minded guys hunt :
All hail to the twat,
Willing, thrilling, and hot,
That wears peckers down, limp and blunt!
Humor: Best of Fortunes for Friday January 17, 2025