Humor: Saturday June 29, 2024 - Worst of Fortunes Motd - Message of the Day
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Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Saturday June 29, 2024

There once was a lady from Exeter, So pretty that men craned...
There once was a lady from Exeter, So pretty that men craned their necks at her. One was even so brave As to take out and wave The distinguishing mark of his sex at her.

There was a young lady of Lee Who scrambled up into a tree, ...
There was a young lady of Lee Who scrambled up into a tree, When she got there Her arsehole was bare, And so was her C U N T.

There was a young lady of Lincoln Who said that her cunt was...
There was a young lady of Lincoln Who said that her cunt was a pink'un, So she had a prick lent her Which turned it magenta, This artful old lady of Lincoln.

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