Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1880 of 2298 |
Remove me from this land of slaves,
Where all are fools, and all are knaves,
Where every knave and fool is bought,
Yet kindly sells himself for nought;
-- Jonathan Swift
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1881 of 2298 |
Removing the straw that broke the camel's back
does not necessarily allow the camel to walk again.
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1882 of 2298 |
Renning's Maxim:
Man is the highest animal. Man does the classifying.
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1883 of 2298 |
Repartee is something we think of twenty-four hours too late.
-- Mark Twain
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1884 of 2298 |
Repel them. Repel them. Induce them to relinquish the spheroid.
-- Indiana University footbal cheer
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1885 of 2298 |
Reply hazy, ask again later.
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1886 of 2298 |
A writer who guesses his way to the truth
and dispels it with a tempest of words.
-- Ambrose Bierce
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1887 of 2298 |
Reporter: "How did you like school when you were growing up, Yogi?"
Yogi Berra: "Closed."
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1888 of 2298 |
Reporter: "What would you do if you found a million dollars?"
Yogi Berra: "If the guy was poor, I would give it back."
Freebsd Fortunes 5: 1889 of 2298 |
Reporter (to Mahatma Gandhi):
Mr. Gandhi, what do you think of Western Civilization?
Gandhi: I think it would be a good idea.