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Rune's Rule:
If you don't care where you are, you ain't lost.
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Russia has abolished God, but so far God has been more tolerant.
-- John Cameron Swayze
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Ruth made a great mistake when he gave up pitching. Working once a week,
he might have lasted a long time and become a great star.
-- Tris Speaker, commenting on Babe Ruth's plan to change
from being a pitcher to an outfielder.
Cerf/Navasky, "The Experts Speak"
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Ryan's Law:
Make three correct guesses consecutively
and you will establish yourself as an expert.
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Sacher's Observation:
Some people grow with responsibility -- others merely swell.
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Sacred cows make great hamburgers.
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A sadist refusing to whip a masochist.
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sadoequinecrophilia, n:
Beating a dead horse.
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Safety Third.
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Safety Tips for the Post-Nuclear Existence
Tip #1: How to tell when you are dead.
1. Little things start bothering you: little things like worms,
bugs, ants.
2. Something is missing in your personal relationships.
3. Your dog becomes overly affectionate.
4. You have a hard time getting a waiter.
5. Exotic birds flock around you.
6. People ignore you at parties.
7. You have a hard time getting up in the morning.
8. You no longer get off on cocaine.