Humor: Friday October 11, 2024 - Worst of Fortunes Motd - Message of the Day
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Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Friday October 11, 2024

There once was a young man from Yuma Who attempted sex with...
There once was a young man from Yuma Who attempted sex with a puma He gave up real quick Minus nose, toes, and prick In obvious pain and ill huma.

There once was a young man named Gene, Who invented a screwing...
There once was a young man named Gene, Who invented a screwing machine. Concave and convex, It served either sex, And it played with itself inbetween.

There once was an Arpanet freak, Who better response-time...
There once was an Arpanet freak, Who better response-time did seek. He searched coast to coast, For a reliable host, Whose logger took less than a week.

There was a young lady named Dot Whose cunt was so terribly...
There was a young lady named Dot Whose cunt was so terribly hot That ten bishops of Rome And the Pope's private gnome Failed to quench her Vesuvial twat.

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