Freebsd Fortunes 3: 565 of 2182 |
Calm down, it's only ones and zeroes,
Calm down, it's only bits and bytes,
Calm down, and speak to me in English,
Please realize that I'm not one of your computerites.
Freebsd Fortunes 3: 566 of 2182 |
Calvin: "I wonder where we go when we die."
Hobbes: "Pittsburgh?"
Calvin: "You mean if we're good or if we're bad?"
Freebsd Fortunes 3: 567 of 2182 |
Calvin Coolidge looks as if he had been weaned on a pickle.
-- Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Freebsd Fortunes 3: 568 of 2182 |
Calvin Coolidge was the greatest man
who ever came out of Plymouth Corner, Vermont.
-- Clarence Darrow
Freebsd Fortunes 3: 569 of 2182 |
Campbell's Law:
Nature abhors a vacuous experimenter.
Freebsd Fortunes 3: 570 of 2182 |
Campus crusade for Cthulhu -- it found me.
Freebsd Fortunes 3: 571 of 2182 |
Can anyone remember when the times
were not hard, and money not scarce?
Freebsd Fortunes 3: 572 of 2182 |
Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished?
Yes, work never begun.
Freebsd Fortunes 3: 573 of 2182 |
Can you buy friendship? You not only can, you must. It's the
only way to obtain friends. Everything worthwhile has a price.
-- Robert J. Ringer
Freebsd Fortunes 3: 574 of 2182 |
Canada Bill Jones's Motto:
It's morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money.
Canada Bill Jones's Supplement:
A Smith and Wesson beats four aces.