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Calvin Coolidge looks as if he had been weaned on a pickle.
-- Alice Roosevelt Longworth
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Calvin Coolidge was the greatest man
who ever came out of Plymouth Corner, Vermont.
-- Clarence Darrow
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Campbell's Law:
Nature abhors a vacuous experimenter.
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Campus crusade for Cthulhu -- it found me.
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Can anyone remember when the times
were not hard, and money not scarce?
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Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished?
Yes, work never begun.
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Can you buy friendship? You not only can, you must. It's the
only way to obtain friends. Everything worthwhile has a price.
-- Robert J. Ringer
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Canada Bill Jones's Motto:
It's morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money.
Canada Bill Jones's Supplement:
A Smith and Wesson beats four aces.
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Canada Post doesn't really charge 32 cents for a stamp.
It's 2 cents for postage and 30 cents for storage.
-- Gerald Regan, Cabinet Minister, 12/31/83 Financial Post
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CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
This is a good time for those of you who are rich and happy,
but a poor time for those of you born under this sign who are
poor and unhappy. To tell you the truth, any day is tough
when you're poor and unhappy.