Humor: Best of Fortunes for Monday May 4, 2020
A wanton young lady from Wimley
Reproached for not acting quite...A wanton young lady from Wimley
Reproached for not acting quite primly
Said, "Heavens above!
I know sex isn't love,
But it's such an entrancing facsimile." There once was a lady named Clair,
Who posessed a magnificent...There once was a lady named Clair,
Who posessed a magnificent pair.
Or that's what I thought,
Till I saw one get caught,
On a thorn and begin losing air. There was a young lady named Banker,
Who slept while the ship...There was a young lady named Banker,
Who slept while the ship lay at anchor,
She woke in dismay,
When she heard the mate say,
"Now hoist up the topsheet and spanker."
Humor: Best of Fortunes for Monday May 4, 2020