Humor: Saturday August 14, 2021 - Best of Fortunes Motd - Message of the Day
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Humor: Best of Fortunes for Saturday August 14, 2021

A broken-down harlot named Tupps Was heard to confess in...
A broken-down harlot named Tupps Was heard to confess in her cups: "The height of my folly Was fucking a collie -- But I got a nice price for the pups."

A lecherous barkeep named Dale, After fucking his favorite...
A lecherous barkeep named Dale, After fucking his favorite female, Mixed Drambuie and scotch With the cream in her crotch For a lustier, Rusty-er Nail.

There was a young lady from Bristol Who went to the Palace...
There was a young lady from Bristol Who went to the Palace called Crystal. Said she, "It's all glass, And as round as my ass," And she farted as loud as a pistol.

There was a young lady from Hyde Who ate a green apple...
There was a young lady from Hyde Who ate a green apple and died. While her lover lamented The apple fermented And made cider inside her inside.

There was a young lady from Maine Who claimed she had men...
There was a young lady from Maine Who claimed she had men on her brain. But you knew from the view, As her abdomen grew, It was not on her brain that he'd lain.

There was a young lady from Munich Who had an affair with...
There was a young lady from Munich Who had an affair with a eunuch. At the height of their passion He dealt her a ration

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