Humor: Best of Fortunes for Thursday December 28, 2023
A lady from Kalamazoo
Once found she had nothing to do,
...A lady from Kalamazoo
Once found she had nothing to do,
So she sat on the stairs
And she counted her hairs:
4,302. A mathematician named Hall
Had a hexhedronical ball,
...A mathematician named Hall
Had a hexhedronical ball,
And the square of its weight
Times his pecker's, plus eight,
Was four-fifths of five-eighths of fuck-all. In the Garden of Eden lay Adam,
Complacently stroking...In the Garden of Eden lay Adam,
Complacently stroking his madam,
And loud was his mirth
For on all of the earth
There were only two balls -- and he had 'em. There was a young lady of Kent,
Who admitted she knew what...There was a young lady of Kent,
Who admitted she knew what it meant
When men asked her to dine,
And plied her with wine,
She knew, oh she knew -- but she went! Excessive login or logout messages are a sure sign of senility.Excessive login or logout messages are a sure sign of senility.
Humor: Best of Fortunes for Thursday December 28, 2023