Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Friday July 23, 2021
Buzz off, Banana Nose; Relieve mine eyes
Of hateful soreness,...Buzz off, Banana Nose; Relieve mine eyes
Of hateful soreness, purge mine ears of corn;
Less dear than army ants in apple pies
Art thou, old prune-face, with thy chestnuts worn,
Dropt from thy peeling lips like lousy fruit;
Like honeybees upon... A responsive young girl from the East
In bed was an able...A responsive young girl from the East
In bed was an able artiste.
She had learned two positions
From family physicians,
And ten more from the old parish priest. There once was a boy named Carruthers
Who was busily fucking...There once was a boy named Carruthers
Who was busily fucking his mother
"I know it's a sin,"
He said, shoving it in,
"But it's better than blowing my brother."
Humor: Worst of Fortunes for Friday July 23, 2021