Humor: Best of Fortunes for Thursday August 31, 2023
There was a young lady of Dee
Whose hymen was split into...There was a young lady of Dee
Whose hymen was split into three.
And when she was diddled
The middle string fiddled :
"Nearer My God To Thee." There was a young lady of Dexter
Whose husband exceedingly...There was a young lady of Dexter
Whose husband exceedingly vexed her,
For whenever they'd start
He'd unfailingly fart
With a blast that damn nearly unsexed her. There was a young lady of Dover
Whose passion was such that...There was a young lady of Dover
Whose passion was such that it drove her
To cry, when you came,
"Oh dear! What a shame!
Well, now we shall have to start over." There was a young lady of Kent,
Who admitted she knew what...There was a young lady of Kent,
Who admitted she knew what it meant
When men asked her to dine,
And plied her with wine,
She knew, oh she knew -- but she went! There was a young lady of Lee
Who scrambled up into a tree,
...There was a young lady of Lee
Who scrambled up into a tree,
When she got there
Her arsehole was bare,
And so was her C U N T. There was a young man from Biloxi
Whose bowels responded...There was a young man from Biloxi
Whose bowels responded to Moxie.
Drinking glass after glass,
He would tune up his ass,
Till he played like the band at the Roxy.
Humor: Best of Fortunes for Thursday August 31, 2023