Hlade's Law:
If you have a difficult task, give it to...Hlade's Law:
If you have a difficult task, give it to a lazy person -- they
will find an easier way to do it.
Love is a word that is constantly heard,
Hate is a word that...Love is a word that is constantly heard,
Hate is a word that is not.
Love, I am told, is more precious than gold.
Love, I have read, is hot.
But hate is the verb that to me is superb,
And Love but a drug on the mart.
Any kiddie in school can love like...
One-Shot Case Study, n.:
The scientific equivalent...One-Shot Case Study, n.:
The scientific equivalent of the four-leaf clover, from which
it is concluded all clovers possess four leaves and are sometimes
Your lucky number is 3552664958674928. Watch for it everywhere.Your lucky number is 3552664958674928. Watch for it everywhere.
A man without a woman is like a statue without pigeons.A man without a woman is like a statue without pigeons.
The opposite of the word you're trying...ANTONYM:
The opposite of the word you're trying to think of.
Any excuse will serve a tyrant.
-- AesopAny excuse will serve a tyrant.
-- Aesop
Do not overtax your powers.Do not overtax your powers.
Factorials were someone's attempt to make math LOOK exciting.Factorials were someone's attempt to make math LOOK exciting.
Shirley MacLaine died today in a freak psychic collision today...Shirley MacLaine died today in a freak psychic collision today. Two freaks
in a van [Oh no!! It's the Copyright Police!!] Her aura-charred body was
laid to rest after a eulogy by Jackie Collins, fellow member of SAFE [Society
of Asinine Flake...