Humor: Best of Fortunes for Sunday April 28, 2013
A hacker who screwed a mag tape
Was caught and convicted...A hacker who screwed a mag tape
Was caught and convicted of rape.
To jail he did go,
From which, to his woe
He couldn't get out with ESC. In the case of a lady named Frost,
Whose cunt's a good two feet...In the case of a lady named Frost,
Whose cunt's a good two feet acrost,
It's the best part of valor
To bugger the gal, or
You're apt to fall in and get lost. There was a lewd fellow named Duff
Who loved to dive deep...There was a lewd fellow named Duff
Who loved to dive deep in the muff.
With his head in a whirl
He said, "Spread it, Pearl;
I cunt get enough of the stuff!" I do not know where to find in any literature, whether ancient...I do not know where to find in any literature, whether ancient or modern,
any adequate account of that nature with which I am acquainted. Mythology
comes nearest to it of any.
-- Henry David Thoreau
Humor: Best of Fortunes for Sunday April 28, 2013