2180, U.S. History question:
What 20th Century U.S...2180, U.S. History question:
What 20th Century U.S. President was almost impeached and what
office did he later hold?
A bather whose clothing was strewed
By breezes that left...A bather whose clothing was strewed
By breezes that left her quite nude,
Saw a man come along
And, unless I am wrong,
You expected this line to be lewd.
There once was a bishop from Birmingham
Who deflowered young...There once was a bishop from Birmingham
Who deflowered young girls while confirming 'em.
As they knelt on the hassock
He lifted his cassock
And slipped his episcopal worm in 'em.
There once was a man from Racine,
Who invented a screwing...There once was a man from Racine,
Who invented a screwing machine.
Both concave and convex,
It could please either sex,
But, oh, what a bastard to clean!
There was a young harlot from Kew
Who filled her vagina with...There was a young harlot from Kew
Who filled her vagina with glue.
She said with a grin,
"If they pay to get in,
They'll pay to get out of it too."
Ladles and Jellyspoons!
I come before you to stand behind...Ladles and Jellyspoons!
I come before you to stand behind you,
To tell you something I know nothing about.
Since next Thursday will be Good Friday,
There will be a fathers' meeting, for mothers only.
Wear your best clothes, if you don't have any,...
Raffiniert ist der Herrgott aber boshaft ist er nicht...Raffiniert ist der Herrgott aber boshaft ist er nicht.
-- Albert Einstein