Freebsd Fortunes: 2423 of 3566 |
Q: Somebody just posted that Roman Polanski directed Star Wars. What
should I do?
A: Post the correct answer at once! We can't have people go on
believing that! Very good of you to spot this. You'll probably be
the only one to make the correction, so post as soon as you can. No
time to lose, so certainly don't wait a day, or check to see if
somebody else has made the correction.
And it's not good enough to send the message by mail. Since you're
the only one who really knows that it was Francis Coppola, you have
to inform the whole net right away!
-- Brad Templeton, "Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions
on Netiquette"
Freebsd Fortunes: 2424 of 3566 |
Quality Control, n.:
The process of testing one out of every 1,000 units coming off
a production line to make sure that at least one out of 100 works.
Freebsd Fortunes: 2425 of 3566 |
Man Invented Alcohol,
God Invented Grass.
Who do you trust?
Freebsd Fortunes: 2426 of 3566 |
Quick!! Act as if nothing has happened!
Freebsd Fortunes: 2427 of 3566 |
Freebsd Fortunes: 2428 of 3566 |
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
(Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.)
Freebsd Fortunes: 2429 of 3566 |
Quigley's Law:
Whoever has any authority over you, no matter how small, will
atttempt to use it.
Freebsd Fortunes: 2430 of 3566 |
Freebsd Fortunes: 2431 of 3566 |
"Qvid me anxivs svm?"
Freebsd Fortunes: 2432 of 3566 |
QWERT (kwirt), n. [MW < OW qwertyuiop, a thirteenth]:
1. a unit of weight equal to 13 poiuyt avoirdupois (or 1.69
kiloliks), commonly used in structural engineering; 2. [colloq.] one
thirteenth the load that a fully grown sligo can carry; 3. [anat.] a
painful irritation of the dermis in the region of the anus; 4. [slang]
person who excites in others the symptoms of a qwert.
-- Webster's Middle World Dictionary, 4th ed.