Freebsd Fortunes: 2622 of 3566 |
"Speed is subsittute fo accurancy."
Freebsd Fortunes: 2623 of 3566 |
Speer's 1st Law of Proofreading:
The visibility of an error is inversely proportional to the
number of times you have looked at it.
Freebsd Fortunes: 2624 of 3566 |
Spelling is a lossed art.
Freebsd Fortunes: 2625 of 3566 |
Spend extra time on hobby. Get plenty of rolling papers.
Freebsd Fortunes: 2626 of 3566 |
Spirtle, n.:
The fine stream from a grapefruit that always lands right in
your eye.
-- Sniglets, "Rich Hall & Friends"
Freebsd Fortunes: 2627 of 3566 |
Spouse, n.:
Someone who'll stand by you through all the trouble you
wouldn't have had if you'd stayed single.
Freebsd Fortunes: 2628 of 3566 |
"Star Wars is adolescent nonsense; Close Encounters is obscurantist
drivel; Star Trek can turn your brains to pur'ee of bat guano; and the
greatest science fiction series of all time is Doctor Who! And I'll
take you all on, one-by-one or all in a bunch to back it up!"
-- Harlan Ellison
Freebsd Fortunes: 2629 of 3566 |
Stay away from flying saucers today.
Freebsd Fortunes: 2630 of 3566 |
Stay away from hurricanes for a while.
Freebsd Fortunes: 2631 of 3566 |
"Stealing a rhinoceros should not be attempted lightly."