Freebsd Fortunes: 2668 of 3566 |
Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.
-- Euripides
Freebsd Fortunes: 2669 of 3566 |
Talkers are no good doers.
-- William Shakespeare, "Henry VI"
Freebsd Fortunes: 2670 of 3566 |
Talking much about oneself can also be a means to conceal oneself.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche
Freebsd Fortunes: 2671 of 3566 |
TAURUS (Apr 20 - May 20)
You are practical and persistent. You have a dogged
determination and work like hell. Most people think you are
stubborn and bull headed. You are a Communist.
Freebsd Fortunes: 2672 of 3566 |
Tax reform means "Don't tax you, don't tax me, tax that fellow behind
the tree."
-- Russell Long
Freebsd Fortunes: 2673 of 3566 |
Taxes are going up so fast, the government is likely to price itself
out of the market.
Freebsd Fortunes: 2674 of 3566 |
Taxes, n.:
Of life's two certainties, the only one for which you can get
an extension.
Freebsd Fortunes: 2675 of 3566 |
Teach children to be polite and courteous in the home, and, when he
grows up, he will never be able to edge his car onto a freeway.
Freebsd Fortunes: 2676 of 3566 |
Teamwork is essential -- it allows you to blame someone else.
Freebsd Fortunes: 2677 of 3566 |
Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means
for going backwards.
-- Aldous Huxley