Freebsd Fortunes: 606 of 3566 |
British Israelites:
The British Israelites believe the white Anglo-Saxons of
Britain to be descended from the ten lost tribes of Israel deported by
Sargon of Assyria on the fall of Sumeria in 721 B.C. ... They further
believe that the future can be foretold by the measurements of the
Great Pyramid, which probably means it will be big and yellow and in
the hand of the Arabs. They also believe that if you sleep with your
head under the pillow a fairy will come and take all your teeth.
-- Mike Harding, "The Armchair Anarchist's Almanac"
Freebsd Fortunes: 607 of 3566 |
Broad-mindedness, n.:
The result of flattening high-mindedness out.
Freebsd Fortunes: 608 of 3566 |
Brontosaurus Principle:
Organizations can grow faster than their brains can manage them
in relation to their environment and to their own physiology: when
this occurs, they are an endangered species.
-- Thomas K. Connellan
Freebsd Fortunes: 609 of 3566 |
Brooke's Law:
Whenever a system becomes completely defined, some damn fool
discovers something which either abolishes the system or expands it
beyond recognition.
Freebsd Fortunes: 610 of 3566 |
Brooks's Law:
Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later
Freebsd Fortunes: 611 of 3566 |
Brucify, v:
1: Kill by nailing onto style(9); "David O'Brien was brucified"
2: Annoy constantly by reminding of potential improvements
[syn: {torment}, {rag}, {tantalize}, {bedevil}, {dun},
3: Fix problems that were indicated in an earlier brucification
(of one of the two other meanings).
The word 'brucify' originally comes from the style-reviews of Bruce
Evans of the FreeBSD project, but is now also sometimes used for
reviews just done in his spirit.
Freebsd Fortunes: 612 of 3566 |
Bubble Memory, n.:
A derogatory term, usually referring to a person's
intelligence. See also "vacuum tube".
Freebsd Fortunes: 613 of 3566 |
Bucy's Law:
Nothing is ever accomplished by a reasonable man.
Freebsd Fortunes: 614 of 3566 |
Bug, n.:
An aspect of a computer program which exists because the
programmer was thinking about Jumbo Jacks or stock options when s/he
wrote the program.
Fortunately, the second-to-last bug has just been fixed.
-- Ray Simard
Freebsd Fortunes: 615 of 3566 |
Bugs, pl. n.:
Small living things that small living boys throw on small
living girls.